Release August 28, 2020 - Certificate Transparency Firehose, SSL Certificates, DMARC feed

With this release we added a new Certificate Transparency (CT) log firehose endpoint. It allows you to stream CT log entries we encountred. Additionally we also added a DMARC feed, which offer the latest new DMARC records. In SurfaceBrowser we added a new SSL Certificate Details page.


announcement We introduced a new firehose endpoint that streams Certificate Transparency log entries we encountered. This endpoint is available as an addon.

announcement A new DMARC feed endpoint is available. It allows to download new daily DMARC entries. This endpoint is available as an addon.

  fix  Some content-type headers have been adjusted to reflect the type of data they are returning.


announcement A new SSL certificate detail page has been introduced, which allows the users to view the contents of the certificate.

improvement The activity page has been updated to include additional information about the hostname.

fix We resolved an issue where certain search terms generated an error.

fix Various issues for SQL have been resolved and improvements have been made, such as more examples have been added.